Following an auto accident, it is imperative that you or someone with you are able to come up with an accurate depiction of the scene. This is extremely important and as a result, many insurance companies include a disposable camera as a single item in their handouts to their clients so they can be prepared for an emergency. Photos help because, in many situations, the evidence is quickly removed following a car accident. Furthermore, many car accident cases result in a battle of he-said, she-said. Photos help provide a perspective on the accident. In such an event, you need an auto accident attorney and... View Article
Hiring a lawyer after getting into an auto accident probably isn’t on the top of your to-do list—but it should be! Having an experienced car accident attorney at your side can make this stressful process much easier, even if you weren’t injured in the accident. Keep reading to learn a few reasons to hire an attorney as soon as you walk away from the scene: Accurately calculate damages: Determining how much your accident cost is deeper than just calculating auto damage and insurance bills. Among other things, it deals with time lost from work and emotional damage. Your accident attorney... View Article
Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of car accidents, but determining who is at fault isn’t as easy as it might seem. While sometimes it’s pretty clear who is at fault, having a skilled attorney on hand to help you (and the court) determine fault in a rear-end collision in Miami, FL is incredibly helpful. How to tell who is at fault in a rear-end collision In Florida, it’s presumed that the driver of the following car is responsible for the accident. However, that presumption can be rebutted in several specific ways: The car in front unexpectedly... View Article
Every year, nearly 50 million people are injured in car accidents—and 1 million of them die. Even when the injuries are relatively minor, fighting for compensation can be a psychologically, financially and emotionally painful process. After an accident, your first priority is feeling better—which is why you need to hire a car accident attorney in Miami, FL so you don’t miss the statute of limitations to recover costs. Statute of limitations In every case, the law sets forth a time period in which people can sue for compensation. For car accidents, this time will vary depending on your state laws.... View Article
If you’ve been involved in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you will likely be able to recover compensation to help cover your losses. The vast majority of cases involving auto accidents in Miami, FL will never go to court. Instead, you will negotiate a settlement with an insurance company (yours or the other driver’s, depending on the circumstances) to get you the money you need to cover your property damage and medical bills. We strongly recommend you work with a personal injury attorney during your negotiations with an insurance company, as attorneys are experienced in handling these... View Article