When entering into any type of contract or agreement, it is crucial to include certain provisions that protect the parties involved. One such provision that is commonly used is the disclaimer provision. A disclaimer provision is a clause or statement included in a contract that aims to limit or exclude certain liabilities or obligations of one or both parties. The Purpose of a Disclaimer Provision The main purpose of a disclaimer provision is to mitigate risk and limit potential liability for the parties involved in a contract. By including a disclaimer provision, a party can protect themselves from potential claims... View Article
Contracts often include a whole lot of language that can be tempting to gloss over, but it’s important to be thorough in reading and preparing contracts so you know exactly what you’re getting into and what each party’s responsibilities are. This will go a long way toward preventing contract disputes in the future. One of the most commonly overlooked details in contracts is the “choice of law” provision. This is a particularly important provision for Florida businesses that have clients or customers located in other parts of the United States or internationally. About this provision The choice of law provision... View Article
A contract is a formalized agreement between people or entities in which one party agrees to provide goods or a service in exchange for other goods or services or money. A contract is established when one party offers the exchange and the other accepts the offer. The contract is important because the existence of an offer and acceptance is not enough to make it legally binding—the written contract is what makes the agreement “official” in terms of contract law in Miami, FL. For a person or entity to enter into a legally binding contract, they must have the legal capacity... View Article