Categories for Corporation Formation


Thinking Of Starting A Corporation In Florida: Call A Corporate Lawyer In Miami, FL

June 4, 2024

Embarking on the journey of starting a corporation in Florida is an exciting endeavor filled with promise and potential. As one of the most business-friendly states in the nation, Florida offers entrepreneurs a wealth of opportunities to establish and grow their companies. However, navigating the complexities of corporate law and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements can be a daunting task without the right guidance. That’s where a corporate lawyer in Miami, FL, comes in. With their expertise in business formations and agreements, as well as business contract law, a corporate lawyer is your trusted partner in laying the legal foundation... View Article

How to Incorporate in Miami, FL

February 19, 2021

Choosing your business structure affects a number of things, including your personal liability, tax structure and more. Many business owners decide to incorporate in Miami, FL. While you can do it on your own, it’s wise to work with a corporate attorney. This will ensure that all the paperwork is done properly, and both your business and personal assets will be protected. Here’s an overview of the corporation formation process. Choose the right type of corporation First, you need to decide which type of corporation is right for your business: S corporation: This business entity allows the corporate tax returns... View Article

Five Types of Business Entities

April 7, 2020

If you have a business, the type of business it is offers certain legal protections, tax benefits and other advantages. Choosing the right type among the various business entities in Miami, FL can offer you significant benefits, depending on your goals. Anyone can start a business as a sole proprietor, but for certain types of business entities, you’ll need to register with a state agency, usually the Secretary of State. Business entities don’t need to have a bunch of employees, either—if you’re worried that your company is too small to be a corporation, you might be surprised to learn that... View Article

LLC Formation: How to Make It Happen in Miami, FL

August 12, 2019

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is the best option for startups because it contains all the protections of a corporation without the complex maintenance. You can form an LLC as one person or if you have one partner—it does not have to be a large company (although it works for big businesses as well). Here are the steps you need to take for LLC corporation formation in Miami, FL: Choose a name: Your business requires a unique name that must contain the initials “LLC” or state “Limited Liability Company.” Most company names have LLC following their primary name (for example,... View Article

Reasons to Consult an Attorney for Your Small Business

January 10, 2019

Going through the process of small business or corporation formation in Miami, FL can be very difficult, for a variety of reasons. It requires a whole lot of work and passion, plus assistance from outside professionals like accountants, insurance providers and attorneys to get you off and running. With this in mind, here are just a few of the biggest reasons why one of the best things you can do to set yourself up for success is retain an attorney for your small business right off the bat: Business entity: One of the first steps of forming a business is... View Article

Rubén J. Padrón, PA
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