Categories for Wills & Trusts

How Can I Access A Deceased Family Member’s Bank Accounts?

May 2, 2023

How Can I Access A Deceased Family Member’s Bank Accounts? Nearly everyone has digital assets today, and they often continue to exist even after death. If you’re managing a loved one’s estate, you may be wondering how to access and close their online accounts, from email to social media to subscriptions. Depending on the account, there are different requirements for accessing it. These include providing a certified copy of the death certificate and sometimes other documentation as well. Digital Assets Digital assets can include everything from your email and social media accounts to subscriptions, e-books and even web domain names. These... View Article

What Laws Protect A Trust From A Trustee?

April 25, 2023

What Laws Protect A Trust From A Trustee? As a trust beneficiary, you may feel that you are at the mercy of the trustee. After all, you have no real way to force a trustee to act in your best interest or to stop them from mismanaging the trust funds. However, you may be happy to know that there are certain legal protections that can help prevent a trustee from doing things that are bad for the beneficiaries. Right To Payment The trustee of an irrevocable trust must comply with the terms of the trust document. This means distributing money... View Article

How To Remove A Beneficiary From A Trust

March 21, 2023

How To Remove A Beneficiary From A Trust Trustees have certain powers and duties in order to ensure that their responsibilities to the trust and its beneficiaries are met. While the trustee has broad control over the trust’s assets, it is often advisable for them to meet with beneficiaries before making decisions regarding distributions. This can help avoid situations in which beneficiaries feel forced to sell real estate they want to inherit because the trustee feels it is a good way to meet distributions. The Powers And Duties Of A Trustee A trustee has a number of powers granted to them... View Article

How Long Does It Take To Distribute Assets From A Trustee?

March 14, 2023

How Long Does It Take To Distribute Assets From A Trustee? If you are a beneficiary waiting for asset distribution from a trust, it is likely that you are concerned about the timing of this process. A trustee must administer the trust according to the terms of the trust instrument, including any asset distribution plan set forth in the trust document. Here are some guidelines for that process from our experienced legal attorneys. The Trustee’s Role The trustee is responsible for managing the assets placed in a trust. This responsibility entails three primary duties: investment, administration, and distribution. The trustee... View Article

Rubén J. Padrón, PA
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