Categories for Real Estate Attorney

The Advantages of Owning vs. Renting a Home

June 26, 2019

For many Americans, homeownership is a big part of the American dream. Of course, home ownership isn’t all sunshine and roses—it’s a big financial commitment and a whole lot of work. This makes purchasing a home one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make in your life. If you’re currently at a time in your life where you’re renting and are considering buying a home, it’s very important for you to weigh whether or not this is the right decision. As part of your consideration, you should consider the many advantages that come with homeownership over renting a home. Here... View Article

Five Questions to Ask About Title Insurance in Miami, FL

June 12, 2019

Do you know enough about title insurance in Miami, FL to purchase a home? Are you familiar with the laws surrounding title insurance? If your knowledge level is lacking, use the following guide. These questions will provide an overview of title insurance in Miami, FL to educate you on the basics of this important topic. If you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact a local real estate attorney at the office of Ruben J. Padron, PA. How much coverage do I need from title insurance in Miami, FL? Your lender may require additional insurance on your mortgage or your... View Article

Grants and Programs for First-Time Home Buyers in Miami, FL

May 29, 2019

Are you a first-time home buyer in Miami, FL? Don’t miss out on the many programs available to you! These programs can help you qualify for a loan, provide money for your down payment, assist you in obtaining a better interest rate on your mortgage and more. To take advantage of these programs, check out the list of the most common ones below. HUD Programs The HUD website offers information on the first-time home buyer grants in Florida. Your local county website is also a good source of housing information. Each region offers various forms of home buyer assistance programs.... View Article

Zoning Regulations to Consider When Purchasing Property

April 11, 2019

Real estate is a significant investment that requires a great deal of planning and consideration before you even make an offer, let alone sign all the closing paperwork. There are a variety of considerations you’ll need to weigh in the process, including the condition of the building, access to the property, the environmental state of the land and some of the zoning issues that may pop up during the course of your ownership of the property. Read on for some information from a real estate lawyer in Miami, FL about some of these zoning and planning issues. Current zoning classification... View Article

The Most Common Mistakes Made with Commercial Real Estate in Florida

November 29, 2018

As attorneys practicing in contract law in Miami, FL for commercial real estate deals, we frequently work with clients who have experienced deals that have fallen through and come to us for assistance. Our years of experience in the field have exposed us to many types of mistakes made by parties to real estate transactions that quickly sink the deal. Here are some of those most common mistakes we see made with commercial real estate transactions in Florida: Not getting the deal in writing: This is an absolutely fatal mistake when it comes to making real estate deals. You cannot... View Article

Rubén J. Padrón, PA
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