Categories for Estate Planning

Estate Planning During a Pandemic

May 7, 2021

If there’s one thing the COVID-19 pandemic has made clear, it’s the need for comprehensive estate planning. Few people could have predicted how the world would turn upside down in 2020, let alone the massive death toll across the world. It’s always smart to have your affairs in order—even if your family has escaped the pandemic unscathed, life holds no guarantees. Working with an estate planning attorney in Sunset, FL is the best way to ensure your loved ones will be taken care of no matter what happens. Living wills One of the biggest things the pandemic has reminded us... View Article

How to Probate a Will in Florida

March 5, 2021

When a person dies with a will, that’s only the first step in distributing their assets. The person they named as their personal representative (also known as an executor) must file the will and initiate the probate process, if necessary. Here’s what you need to know about estate planning in Miami, FL. Recording the will Generally, it is unwise to record a will before a person dies. Wills become public documents, which means that it could jeopardize their privacy—the general public would be privy to their assets as well as their end of life wishes and who they choose to... View Article

Estate Planning with Cryptocurrency

February 12, 2021

The rise of cryptocurrency has given estate planning attorneys in Miami, FL something new to be concerned about: what are the best practices when leaving your digital investments to your heirs? Too many people have belatedly found out that their loved ones have died with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency, now worth millions, with no way to access it. Alternatively, they may never realize that the deceased owned any cryptocurrency at all. Whether you’re a seasoned cryptocurrency investor or just dabbling, it’s important to work with an estate planning attorney. Don’t risk letting your investments languish in inaccessibility. Put your cryptocurrency... View Article

Putting Your House in a Trust

January 13, 2021

If estate planning in Miami, FL has been on your mind lately, you might have considered putting your house into a trust. There are many different ways in which you can dispose of your property or ensure its easy transfer, and a trust is one of the most popular. Even if you’re young and healthy, it’s smart to start estate planning now—you never know what life has in store, and it’s important to protect your family if something were to incapacitate you. Here’s a brief overview of what it means to put your house in a trust. Why should I... View Article

Revocable Trust vs. Irrevocable Trust: What’s the Difference?

December 10, 2020

Trusts are a smart estate planning tool that give you more control over how your assets are distributed during your life and after your death. Living trusts are created during the settlor’s lifetime. They are either revocable or irrevocable, and knowing the difference will help you make the right financial choices for your beneficiaries and estate. Here’s what you need to know about irrevocable and revocable living trusts in estate planning in Miami, FL. Revocable living trusts Revocable living trusts are trusts that can be amended during the settlor’s lifetime. For example, if you need to change the terms or... View Article

Rubén J. Padrón, PA
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