Thinking about starting your own business with a friend? Have you already started one, only to find out that you don’t quite see eye to eye on major issues? The best way to solve (or avoid) partnership disputes in Miami, FL is to clearly define your partnership at the outset—and that requires help from an attorney. Here’s how to handle or avoid partnership disputes in your business: A written partnership agreement: Every business owned by two or more people needs a written partnership agreement. The format may change depending on your business structure, but the general idea is the same.... View Article
Buying and selling a home comes with a lot of paperwork, legalese and hassle. It’s often an expensive and time-consuming process, which means many people balk at the idea of hiring a real estate attorney in Miami, FL on top of working with agents. In Florida, you’re required to have an attorney involved for at least the closing process, if not every step of the way. Hiring a closing attorney is not just required, it’s a smart decision—and you need to do it well ahead of closing. Here’s why it’s wise to work with an attorney throughout the home buying... View Article
When you have property, it’s possible litigation might arise. As always, when conflicts happen, litigation and other major consequences can result—which is why it’s smart to have an experienced attorney on hand to help you out. They can help you determine the best way to handle real estate conflicts, whether it’s litigation, settlements or another option. Here are some of the most common reasons for real estate litigation in Miami, FL: Breach of contract: As you know, signing a contract is a key part of real estate investing, whether it’s a single-family home or a multi-million-dollar commercial complex. The contract... View Article
Having a power of attorney is a normal part of an estate plan, but before you assign one (or accept one), you should know exactly what they can and cannot do. Powers of attorney are designed to act on behalf of the assignee, so if, for example, your father assigns you power of attorney, you might be able to make medical or financial decisions when he is unable to do so himself. Read on to learn what you need to know about the power of attorney role in Miami, FL. Definition A power of attorney is a legal document that... View Article
A will is a written document that indicates how property is to be distributed after you die. Living trusts provide property management throughout life and after death, which can prove handy if you become incapacitated. When you are deciding between creating a will or a living trust in Miami, FL, you will likely find appealing attributes to both. However, what’s best will depend on your situation. Here are five factors to consider when deciding which estate planning vehicle works best for you: Assets: A living trust only works if you place assets into it. If you are planning more to... View Article