Even if you have perfect credit, a paid-off home and no plans to engage in any high-risk activities, you can still lose all your assets. Anyone can be sued, which means your personal assets can be seized to pay those bills in the event you’re hit with a lawsuit. That’s why asset planning and protection in Miami, FL is so important. Here are our best tips to protect your hard-earned assets. What is asset protection? Asset protection is a term for using legal structures to protect your home, car, bank accounts and other assets from being seized to pay off... View Article
Trusts are a smart estate planning tool that give you more control over how your assets are distributed during your life and after your death. Living trusts are created during the settlor’s lifetime. They are either revocable or irrevocable, and knowing the difference will help you make the right financial choices for your beneficiaries and estate. Here’s what you need to know about irrevocable and revocable living trusts in estate planning in Miami, FL. Revocable living trusts Revocable living trusts are trusts that can be amended during the settlor’s lifetime. For example, if you need to change the terms or... View Article
Putting together an estate plan is the best way to make sure your family and property are taken care of when you eventually pass away. It can also provide for your care while you’re living, giving you control and flexibility that a simple will may not. Here’s what you need to know about establishing a trust for your estate plan in Miami, FL. What is a trust? Creating a trust allows you to appoint a third party to manage the funds if and when you cannot, such as when you’re traveling or if you’re incapacitated. The person who creates the... View Article
There are certain types of jobs and fields of work that are more inherently dangerous than others. Construction, for example, will always have a greater likelihood of physical injury than, say, a job that requires you to sit at a desk for most of the day. But it’s not just the type of work that’s a factor in the likelihood of workplace injuries. The worker’s experience level will also play a big role in their likelihood of being injured. Specifically, newer employees are much more likely to suffer workplace injuries in Miami, FL than workers who have been on the... View Article
Have you ever heard of something called the “good guy guarantee” in the world of landlord/tenant law? This isn’t necessarily a service or benefit you’ll find advertised by landlords in Miami, FL, but it’s an issue you should be aware of if you are to be leasing any space for a business. Here’s an overview of what you should know. What is it? The basic concept of the good guy guarantee is that it’s a pre-negotiated kick-out that has the financial backing of a guarantor who has good credit. This guarantee is established while the tenant is in possession of... View Article